A history rooted in tradition and place
Molino Gaetano Roccasalva is a flour mill specialised in the production of high-quality durum wheat semolina flours: Re-milled Semolina, Semolina for Pasta Products, Traditional Re-milled Semolina and Organic Semolina made from BIOAGRICERT-certified organic durum wheat.
We have been doing this for two generations, 55 years of flour milling history and experience in our hands. True to Sicily ever since 1965 with our first plant in Comiso, and from 1990 in Modica, we perfectly embody the flour milling tradition and love for our land. We have superior quality semolina flours that can meet the everyday needs of end consumers and those of discerning professionals. Day after day, we dedicate what we do to the people for whom this ingredient represents the core of their work and to those looking for a wide selection of flours in 1.5 to 25 kg (3.3 to 55 lbs) packs.
Our accurate selection of the best grains from across the world, sunshine, wholesome sea air and tradition are not the only ingredients that make our products remarkable.
In 2009, thanks to our constant research, development and renewal activities, we brought our production facility up to cutting-edge standards.
High quality standards, expert human resources and modern technologies have allowed Molino Gaetano Roccasalva to grow and offer customers increasingly safer and superior quality products.
Molino Gaetano Roccasalva guarantees constant monitoring and compliance with stringent hygiene standards. We apply HACCP and IFS standards to ensure that our semolina flours arrive at your table in a perfectly safe and clean state.
To crown our efforts for quality and sustainable development, we achieved the BIOAGRICERT mark certifying our quality and production of semolina flours from organically-grown grains. Molino Gaetano Roccasalva guarantees customers the highest level of food safety, conveying the nurtured passion for its work.

The best technologies for a superior quality product
Our in-house laboratory analyses and identifies the best grains as soon as they arrive at the plant. It ascertains their quality, observes their protein content, analyses the gluten, and ensures they are not contaminated.
Our new flour mill plant is equipped with instruments at the cutting edge of technology and employs highly specialised personnel.
This supports the constant research and development we do through bread- and pasta-making tests. Our technology enables us to monitor and control every stage of the production process, thus preventing occurrences that could pose a threat to the wholesomeness of our products.

470 metric tons daily
Today the company is equipped with the best technologies the market has to offer, including huskers and optical sorting equipment, supported by an in-house state-of-the-art laboratory in order to deliver consistent quality.
Our products are always available thanks to our extensive finished products warehouse which ensures seamless logistics. A structure which today boasts a high output capacity: 470 metric tons a day, with an ever-increasing propensity for production.

Molino Gaetano Roccasalva is a flour mill specialised in the production of high-quality durum wheat semolina flours: Re-milled Semolina, Semolina for Pasta Products, Traditional Re-milled Semolina and Organic Semolina made from BIOAGRICERT-certified durum wheat.
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(+39) 0932 779011
Molino Gaetano Roccasalva © 2019 | Sede Legale : C.da San Filippo, 97015 Modica (RG) | P.IVA 00863470886 | Cookie Policy – Privacy Policy